WhatsApp has launched a new sticker pack named the ‘Together at Home’ stickers. WhatsApp partnered with WHO to bring these new stickers to users, reflecting the mood of the current times.
The new stickers from WhatsApp will be available in Hindi, English, Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish languages.
WhatsApp first introduced stickers two years ago, with the stickers becoming a favourite for users of the chat app. The new sticker pack aptly reflects the current mood of millions of people around the globe in light of the Coronavirus lockdown.
One of the stickers depicts a man in pyjamas with a laptop computer, which points to the fact that millions of people have had to work from home during this pandemic. Another shows a man binge-watching a TV series on his bed, with another sticker showing a man enjoying a session of yoga with his dog.
There are also a number of instructive stickers in this sticker pack, reminding folks to wash their hands regularly, with some other stickers celebrating the medical personnel that have been at the frontlines of this battle against the deadly virus.
The 'Together at Home’ sticker pack is available within the app and can be downloaded at no extra cost. The company has been seeking ways to improve user experience recently, especially with more people using the app due to the current lockdown in certain parts of the world. The latest beta of this app has seen the number of individuals on group calls double, jumping from four to eight, with the stable rollout expected for Android and iOS users in the coming days.
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